Wednesday, April 30, 2008


(& thanks to Nook & Pantry)

The photo above is NOT our picadillo. It's a delicious pork picadillo courtesy of Nook & Pantry - A Food and Recipe Blog, which adapted it from Everyday Food.

Our picadillo was also delicious, only our photograph left something to be desired. (To see what we mean, click here.) Our recipe was passed down from grandma Ida, who we think might have first learned how to cook picadillo as a teenager in Havana from the classic Cuban cookbook, Cocina al Minuto.

Brown the ground beef. Pour out the fat. You can use a strainer to do this and keep the beef in the strainer for the time being. Saute diced onions, chopped garlic, green peppers and a bay leaf. When onions are soft, add the meat back in, some red wine, a can of plain tomato sauce or chopped tomatoes with the liquid, and raisins (Ruth doesn't like green olives, so she leaves them out, however, many of us think the saltiness of the olives mixed with the sweet pop of the warm raisins is the essence of picadillo). Cover and simmer for a half hour or so. Another option is to start by cooking the onions and when they're soft, adding the meat and browning.

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